Friday, February 26, 2010

Scotch Fur Fighter

I bought this at Target last week, I had a coupon and I think i got it for about .99 cents. I have 2 black cats and figured I'll give it a shot. Our vacuum cleaner sucks (or doesnt suck I suppose) so I learned not to even bother trying to clean our couch with that.

I'm seriously amazed at the amount of fur this thing pulled off my couch, its rather disgusting really. My husband has this chair thats been in his family for years, it used to be in his parents basement where I would assume that their cat slept on it. My cats LOVE this chair for whatever reason. I'm sure this thing hasn't had a thorough cleaning in years. I've tried my best with our crappy vacuum. After using the Fur Fighter it looks a WHOLE lot better, not perfect, I probably should go over it again.

Heres what the Fur Fighter looked like after I cleaned the couch and chair.

I have to say I will be buying the refills for this!

1 comment:

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