Friday, June 4, 2010

Family Dollar Savings

I've been trying to remember to take pictures of my purchases for a while now. This is the first time I've remembered! lol It may be a crappy cell phone photo, but it works. I don't have a card reader for my lap top so this will have to do until we get into our own place.

2 Welch's Juices $2 each - 2 $2 Welch's Facebook Coupons HERE = FREE

2 Warm Delights $1.75 each - 2 $.75 Warm Delights Coupons HERE = $2 (there is a in-ad Family Dollar coupon for these Buy 1 get 1 for $.1 but my cashier wouldn't allow it)

1 STP Son of a Gun Tire Care $2 - $2 STP Facebook Coupon HERE = FREE

1 STP Son of a Gun Protectant $2 - $2 STP Facebook Coupon = FREE

Total: 11.74
Saved: 9.50
OOP: 2.24 

Not too shabby!

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